
September 22nd, 2023

Join us on campus for one of PTA's biggest fundraisers of the year! Let's raise some money and get fit at the same time!

Friday, September 22nd, 2023!! 

It is almost here!

More information Coming Soon


Teachers set up their Team Page 


Parents set up their Scholar's Page under their Teacher's Team Page 


Share your link and start collecting to win a prize!

NOTE: If you will be donating right after your scholar's page setup, copy the share link, open an incognito window and paste the link, and do the donation there for it to count under your scholar's page. We cannot make any changes after a donation has been made, but we can add it to our report afterwards. We apologize for any inconvenience it may caused. Please bear with us as it is our second year using the platform.

If you have multiple scholars, you will need to use different emails to set up their page.


Our scholars haven't been able to go on any field trips since the pandemic. 

Let's raise funds to bring them back! 

Here's a sample list of what we funded in the past.

Will you support our scholar's efforts?